KGB Documents

Operational-technical and special measures

The KGB used public and secret access to information. The KGB obtained information from secret collaborators or by secret operational technological means. In the KGB documents they were denoted by letters: “D” – secret breaking and entering the premises and covert searches, “T” - eavesdropping, „S“ –  interception, „PK“ – inspection of postal correspondence, „NN“ – outside surveillance.

Outside surveillance of the citizens disloyal to the Soviet regime was carried out by intelligencers of the 7th Division of the KGB. They followed the individuals in who the KGB took special interest in public places (libraries, streets, restaurants, shops, policlinic, means of transportation, etc.). In this way relations and activities of the person under surveillance were made clear. Sometimes a person who the KGB took special interest in was under surveillance for a long time. The individuals under surveillance were referred to as objects in the documents and most often they wee identified by the codenames given to them. Having analysed records of outside surveillance, the KGB most often determined the identity of the people under surveillance, and decided whether a further investigation is necessary, and the like. Apart from the outside surveillance the KGB adopted other operational technical measures.  For example, the measure Zakaz, that is, a stationary or temporary installation of listening devices and interception technology (bugs), was used to carry out covert surveillance of the arriving diplomats in mass caterers (restaurants, cafes). Hotels where foreigners or Lithuanian emigrants stayed also abounded in listening and watching devices. When the guests of the hotel were out searches were conducted in their rooms. The information system Diplomat recorded every place that foreign diplomats visited and their meetings with the citizens of Lithuania were recorded in the system Fort-67.

In carrying out the operational activities the KGB devoted much attention to graphical expertise, identification of individuals according to their photographs, examination of fingerprints, documents, typescripts, expertise of paper, glue, ink, pencils, examination of signatures in letters, secret control of postal and telegraph dispatches, control of correspondence. To conduct particularly important campaigns secret special measures were adopted. These measures included application of biological, chemical, radioactive measures, or killing people simulating suicides or accidents. To adopt them a sanction had to be given not only by the authorities of the local KGB but also by the KGB of the Soviet Union.

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